The Enhanced Access Hours Service makes it easier for you to get an appointment at a time that suits you, including evenings and weekends. The service offers pre-bookable, routine primary care appointments with GPs, ANP, Nurses and Health Care Assistants. The service is provided by us at Garden Lane Medical Centre and will be booked by our Care Navigators.
How do I book an appointment?
Contact us in the usual way to request an appointment. Some appointments will be available to book up to 2 weeks in advance and some will be available to book on the day.
What can I be seen for?
A range of usual services are available, from GP or Nurse appointments to screening appointments.
Who will I be seen by?
Your appointment will be with a qualified clinician. It is unlikely that you will be seen by your own GP or Nurse. If you would prefer to see your usual GP or Nurse, please book an appointment at the practice during the normal opening hours.
Will the clinician I see have access to my medical record during my appointment?
Your medical record will, with your consent, be available to the clinician that sees you. Your record will be updated at the time of your appointment. An appointment with this service will be just like an appointment at your own GP practice.